Whenever I want you, all I have to do is…
Every night she walks through a portal. As she takes her last audible breath, concluding her daily existence.
Behind eyes shut, she visualizes an opening, forming a colorful vortex swirling in a full-length mirror that hangs on the wall next to her bed.
Excited, she springs to a sitting position, rising up and taking a few steps toward the mirror, mesmerized by the shimmering lights. Turning and giving one last glance at her earthly body, tucked safely under the comfy covers, silently whispering goodnight and farewell. Jumping headfirst through the opening, sucked in, embraced by the radiant energy. Never knowing the exact destination, butterflies, and all sorts of winged creatures, run through her soul as she embarks on her journey.
I don’t quite remember when it all began. When was the first time the little girl in me started doing this ritual. However, thanks to her innocent imaginary games, my dreams became something else. Something more than just sleeping the day away. It became an exceptional extension of my reality.
You see, my dreams are high end, full-color HD; I am in control, and usually, I know that I’m dreaming, I invoke my interactions. I can pause, rewind, forward, and so much more. The places I visit on my journeys are beautiful and complex, with their own set of rules of engagement. Oh, and the most important thing is I remember it all. Every single detail is imprinted in my brain when I wake up.
Through the years, I might have polished the ritual a bit - well, at least I stopped jumping headfirst. Now I gracefully step in (I’m a grown sophisticated woman for god sake…).
Our mind is a powerful and magical tool, It can overcome the darkest moments and lift us above and beyond just existing.